By Divya Bhati WhatsApp is working on new updates and features for both mobile and desktop druggies to enhance druggies experience and security. Adding to the new rollouts, the Meta- possessed app is now testing a new calls tab and is rolling out the new point for its WhatsApp beta for Windows. The new point will help desktop druggies to track their call list and call details. The point is formerly available for WhatsApp Android and iOS apps.
WhatsApp lately rise the sidebar in WhatsApp beta for Windows2.2240.1.0. The section gave druggies easier access tabs similar as converse list, status updates, and settings. Now the platform is releasing another tab- calls tab within the sidebar to help druggies check call history including both voice and videotape calls. WhatsApp has formerly released the new update for some beta testers and will make it available for further druggies soon. The calls tab point is anticipated to be released for everyone in the unborn updates of the app.
According to a report by Wabetainfo, once the point is released to all druggies, the new calls tab will incontinently show up when druggies open the WhatsApp Windowsapp.However, druggies will have to renew the app, If not. The calls tab will show druggies callhistory’on the desktop app and all the affiliated information about the call in the call card.
The new update is presently in beta. thus, it may not incontinently sync the data with the WhatsApp mobile app. It’s also possible that the calls placed from the desktop app don’t show up on the call history available on the phone. still, WhatsApp is anticipated to address these issues in the unborn updates.
Meanwhile, WhatsApp has formerly released some new features for mobile and desktop druggies, including the new Poll point for Android and iOS. druggies can produce and manage pates in groups and in individual exchanges. To produce bean-