Meta-owned WhatsApp has been on a roll this month, releasing big features after every few days. After introducing Communities and Avatar, the messaging app has now introduced a much-awaited feature that allows users to use their WhatsApp account on two phones.
WhatsApp launched Multi-device support last year, but unlike apps such as Telegram, WhatsApp allowed users to only log in to one phone and four computers or tablets. The app did not allow users to log into more than one phone simultaneously.
With WhatsApp’s latest update, users can now use the same WhatsApp account on more than one phone.How to use WhatsApp on second phone
To begin, make sure you are using the latest version of WhatsApp on both the devices.Your WhatsApp account will now be linked to your secondary device once the chats are synced.
If you wish to remove the WhatsApp account from your second phone, follow the below steps If you wish to remove the WhatsApp account from your second phone, follow the below steps –